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What Are Crowns And Bridges?

Crowns are tooth-shaped caps placed over damaged teeth, restoring their shape and function. Bridges, on the other hand, replace missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth to adjacent natural teeth or implants. Both enhance dental function and aesthetics.

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Identifying The Need For Crowns And Bridges

  • Tooth Restoration: Crowns help to restore chipped, cracked, or weakened teeth, restoring their structural integrity.
  • Cosmetic Enhancement: Crowns and bridges improve the appearance of teeth, enhancing smiles by concealing imperfections or gaps.
  • Functional Support: Crowns provide stability to teeth weakened by large fillings, preventing further damage or fracture.
  • Tooth Replacement: Bridges fill gaps left by missing teeth, promoting proper dental alignment and preventing adjacent tooth shifting.
  • Chewing Efficiency: Crowns and bridges improve the ability to chew and bite by restoring the natural contours and function of teeth.

Benefits Of Getting Crowns And Bridges

Introducing crowns and bridges into your dental care repertoire can significantly elevate your oral well-being. With their versatile applications, these interventions offer:

Preventive Protection
Crowns act as a shield, preventing further decay and safeguarding weakened teeth.
Improved Speech
Gaps between your teeth can affect speech; crowns and bridges aid in restoring clear and articulate communication.
Preservation of Facial Structure
Missing teeth can lead to changes in facial structure over time. Bridges, by filling gaps, help maintain the natural shape and contour of the face.

Cost Of Crowns And Bridges In Bandra, Mumbai

The kind of material and technology utilised and the particular treatment needs have an impact on the cost of crowns and bridges in Bandra, Mumbai. We provide flexible payment options in our one-to-one consultation because we recognise how important budgeting is for everyone.

We also offer extensive guidance for flexible financing, resulting in an economical and individualised approach to dental treatment. Patients are empowered to make educated decisions regarding their oral health because of our dedication to openness, which results in a comprehensive cost estimate customised for each individual case.


How long do crowns and bridges last?

With proper care, crowns and bridges typically last 10-15 years or longer.

Is the placement procedure painful?

The procedure is generally painless as it's performed under local anaesthesia.

Can I eat normally with crowns and bridges?

Yes, you can eat a regular diet once the crowns and bridges are securely in place.

Can crowns be placed on any tooth?

Crowns are versatile and can be placed on damaged or weakened teeth.

Are crowns and bridges noticeable?

Modern materials ensure a natural appearance, making them discreet.

How soon can I resume normal activities after the procedure?

You can resume your normal routine on the same day.

Are there age restrictions for getting crowns and bridges?

They are suitable for adults of all ages, depending on individual dental needs.