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What Is Gum Treatment?

Gum treatment, also known as periodontal treatment, encompasses a range of therapies aimed at preserving and restoring the health of the gums. It addresses conditions related to the supporting structures of the teeth, primarily the gums and the underlying bone. One common aspect of gum treatment is scaling and root planing, a deep cleaning procedure to remove plaque and tartar from below the gumline, preventing or managing gum disease.

Beyond that, advanced gum treatments may involve procedures like gum grafting to address receding gums or laser therapy for precise and minimally invasive interventions. The goal of gum treatment is not only to remedy existing issues but also to prevent further deterioration, promoting optimal gum health. Regular check-ups with a dental professional can help assess the need for gum treatments and tailor the approach to an individual's specific oral health requirements.

Why choose Aakaar dentistry?

Oral And Overall Health-Focused Dentistry Tailored To Your Well-Being
Laser-Assisted Gum Therapies For Research Backed Treatment Protocols
Customized Maintaince Protocols To Suit Your Particular Requirements

Identifying The Need For Gum Treatment

  • Bleeding Gums: Persistent bleeding during brushing or flossing may signal gum inflammation, a key indicator for potential treatment needs.
  • Persistent Bad Breath: Chronic bad breath, even with good oral hygiene, can be linked to gum infections or diseases, necessitating professional intervention.
  • Gum Recession: When gums start to pull away from teeth, exposing more of the tooth's root, it may indicate the need for gum treatments to prevent further recession.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures could be a sign of gum problems, requiring assessment and potential treatment.
  • Swollen or Tender Gums: Inflammation, redness, or tenderness in the gums are signs that professional attention may be needed to address underlying issues.
  • Sudden Spacing: Gaps developing between teeth which were previously not present.

Benefits Of Getting Gum Treatment

Embarking on a journey towards optimal oral health often involves the essential realm of gum treatment. This specialized care not only addresses existing issues but acts as a proactive measure, preserving the health of the gums and supporting structures. Explore the transformative benefits that gum treatment brings to your oral well-being:

Gum treatment maintains gum and bone integrity, preventing problems like recession and tooth mobility for stable tooth support.
Addressing gum problems not only benefits oral health but also helps prevent systemic issues like cardiovascular problems and diabetes complications.
Treating gum issues enhances smile aesthetics by addressing concerns like uneven gum lines or excessive gum display.

Cost Of Gum Treatment In Bandra, Mumbai

The kind of technology utilised and the particular treatment needs have an impact on the cost of gum treatment in Bandra, Mumbai. We provide flexible payment options in our one-to-one consultation because we recognise how important budgeting is for everyone.

We also offer extensive guidance on third-party insurance coverages, resulting in an economical and individualised approach to dental treatment. Patients are empowered to make educated decisions regarding their oral health because of our dedication to openness, which results in a comprehensive cost estimate customised for each individual case.


Is gum treatment painful?

Not at all! Our pain management protocols make the treatment comfortable for you.

How long does gum treatment take?

Treatment duration varies but often comprises a couple of appointments, depending on the severity of the condition.

What is scaling and root planing?

It's a deep cleaning procedure to remove plaque and tartar from below the gumline, essential for managing gum disease.

Can I eat normally after gum treatment?

A soft diet may be recommended initially, but normal eating can usually resume after the recovery period.

Will my gums grow back after treatment?

While gum tissue doesn't regenerate fully, treatment can halt further recession and improve overall gum health.

Are there alternatives to surgery for gum treatment?

Yes, non-surgical options like laser therapy and antibiotic treatments may be suitable depending on the condition.