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What Is Dental Implant?

If you are seeking options for restoring lost teeth, dental implants at our dental clinic in Bandra West are the perfect and the most ideal solution for fixed tooth replacement.

The necessity of dental implants is hyped from their ability to look and operate like natural teeth. They give stability, durability, and comfort, restoring not just a person's smile but also their ability to eat and talk confidently. Moreover, they minimise bone loss and protect surrounding teeth, which makes them a desired long-term option for enhancing oral health at Aakaar Dentistry.

Why choose Aakaar dentistry?

Comprehensive In-House Care For Dental Implants From Start To Finish.
Various Affordable Dental Financing Choices Available.
Dentistry Supported By Advanced Technology And Compassionate, Ethical Doctors.

Ideal Recipients For Dental Implants

  • Patients with one or more missing teeth
  • Patients who are wearing removable dentures
  • Patients who need an extraction

Benefits Of Getting Dental Implants

With 500,000 new posts inserted each year, dental implants, which have been popular since the 1980s, are still becoming increasingly prevalent. They come with several advantages that greatly enhance life after tooth loss and are advised for patients who are missing at least one tooth. Examine their benefits to see whether they're the best option for your oral health.

Improved Aesthetics and Confidence
Dental implants closely mimic natural teeth, making the smile look more natural. Similar to your existing teeth, they increase confidence and self-esteem.
Restored Oral Health and Functionality
Implants improve general oral function by restoring the ability to chew and talk comfortably. They maintain the right jawbone density and prevent surrounding teeth from moving.
Long-term Durability
Dental implants are a long-lasting tooth replacement treatment. With appropriate care and maintenance, they may survive for many years, and in some cases, a lifetime.

Cost Of Dental Implants In Bandra, Mumbai

The number of implants required, any extra treatments like bone grafting, the grade of materials utilized, and the dental professional's experience are some of the variables that can influence the cost of dental implants.

As a result, our caring dentist from Aakaar Dentistry located in Bandra West, Mumbai, gives you financing options to assist with expense management. Dental implants provide long-term advantages, such as improved oral health, durability, and usefulness, which may outweigh future expenses related to replacements or upkeep of other tooth replacement solutions, despite the initial outlay.


Dental implants: what are they?

Dental implants are titanium prosthetic tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to provide support for replacement teeth. The number of implants, however, will be determined by experienced dentists at our dental clinic.

Are dental implants appropriate for all patients?

A thorough assessment is done in every case to assess the eligibility of utilizing dental implants or dental bridges as a teeth replacement option.

Does getting an implant hurt?

Local anesthesia is used throughout the dental implant treatment to ensure the patients' comfort and lack of pain. Prescription drugs can help control mild post-operative pain.

What is the duration of the implant procedure?

Dental work i.e., Surgical Time is 30 - 60 minutes

What is the dental implant success rate?

The success rate of dental implants is quite high, frequently surpassing 98.5%.

When I have dental implants, can I eat normally?

Absolutely, dental implants work just like real teeth and let you enjoy a variety of meals. They offer strength and stability that are on par with real teeth.

How should dental implants be maintained?

Maintaining oral hygiene and extending the life of dental implants need consistent brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. We guide you with personalised care instructions based on your need.