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What Is Clear Aligners?

Clear teeth aligners are a new orthodontic method for straightening teeth discreetly and pleasantly. Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners are practically invisible, composed of translucent, flexible resin, and provide a smooth solution to straighten misaligned teeth. These aligners function by gradually repositioning your teeth into the ideal position. Each pair of aligners is custom-made with AI technology to suit your mouth and progressively provides light pressure to particular teeth, aligning them. As you proceed through the sequence of aligners, your teeth progressively move closer to their optimal position, culminating in a flawlessly aligned smile.

There are various advantages of using transparent aligners instead of traditional braces. For starters, their transparency makes them unobtrusive, allowing you to straighten your teeth without bringing undue attention to yourself. Furthermore, transparent aligners are removable, making it easier to maintain proper dental hygiene by brushing and flossing as usual. Unlike braces, there are no dietary restrictions because the aligners may be removed while eating. Furthermore, because transparent aligners are relatively softer and flexible, they are less likely to cause oral abrasions or pain, which are common with metal braces.

Why choose Aakaar dentistry?

Individually Tailored Treatment For Your Unique Smile
Perfectly Suited Orthodontic Care For Adolescents And Adults
Various Affordable Dental Financing Choices Available

Identifying The Need For Clear Aligners

  • Crowded Teeth: Having crowded teeth might make it difficult to properly clean and floss. This may raise your chance of cavities and gum disease, among other oral health issues. With the use of clear aligner trays, your teeth will gradually move into alignment, which will make it simpler to brush away harmful substances.
  • Gapped Teeth: Some people may experience self-consciousness while smiling because of gaps between their teeth. This can be closed with clear aligners, giving you a full, even smile that you'll be happy to flaunt.
  • Bite Misalignment: With the use of clear aligner trays, you may correct your bite, whether it is an underbite, overbite, or crossbite, to lessen the stress that bite issues place on your jaw and face muscles.

Benefits Of Getting Clear Aligners

Explore the transformative potential of clear aligners at Aakaar Dentistry, where personalized care merges seamlessly with cutting-edge technology. Our compassionate experts ensure a tailored experience, guiding you along a seamless path toward achieving your desired smile transformation.

Dual Enhancement
Clear aligners not only enhance the aesthetics of your smile but also serve as an ideal option by correcting the function of your teeth. This dual effect ensures not just a visually appealing smile but also improved overall dental functionality.
Adolescents and adults
Clear aligners can assist both adults and older teens. They offer a discreet and pleasant alternative to traditional braces for people who wish to straighten their teeth without the obvious appearance of traditional braces.
Individuals or Professionals in the Public Eye
Clear aligners, embraced by professionals, actors, and public figures, offer a discreet orthodontic solution. Enjoying fewer dental visits, improved oral hygiene, and enhanced comfort, they empower individuals to maintain dental health effortlessly and indulge in unrestricted eating.


"At Aakaar Dentistry in Bandra West, the cost of your customized treatment plan varies based on the extent, length, and quantity of aligners needed. We understand that insurance coverage for clear aligners differs among suppliers. To assist patients in managing treatment expenses and ensuring accessibility, we offer various payment plans and provide support in flexible financing. Our goal is to make quality dental care tailored to your needs both affordable and attainable."


What is the duration of the treatment?

The duration of treatment varies, with some cases requiring as less as 12 weeks to complete, depending on the individual circumstances of each patient.

With transparent aligners, is it possible to eat and drink?

In order to avoid stains and preserve cleanliness, it is advised to take out aligners while eating or drinking anything other than water.

Does the course of treatment hurt?

Compared to conventional braces, transparent aligners often cause less pain, while some discomfort is natural as teeth change.

How soon do teeth shift when wearing clear aligners?

Improvements can be seen in as little as four weeks for patients, but depending on how packed your teeth were initially, most cases require six to twelve months. Too rapid tooth movement might result in unintended injury.

Is clear aligner a long-term solution?

When combined with an overnight retainer method, transparent aligners will permanently straighten your teeth as long as you follow your instructions.

Can you use toothpaste to clean your clear aligner?
